Friday, April 11, 2008


I refresh my mind by looking through the open door
from this room as it opens into another room. I am lying on a sofa
as I look across to the next room.
The next room is empty, which makes this even better.
I rest on the sofa, too narrow really, to do more than perch there,
one foot on the floor. I lie back and look into the empty space,
the white walls and doorway, of the next room.
I notice a small insect, some gnat or fly,
moving across the empty space, and this is restful.

When we come to the end of our wanting,
it will be like this. The eye resting on white space.
The pale white space of the window diffusing,
not broadcasting, daylight.

When the argument ends and the office closes
and everyone goes home to bed,
it will be like this. Not caring so much
if things went our way. After so much trouble
not really minding. Just walking into the house
and listening. No one would be there.
Drinking a glass of water in the kitchen
and going straight upstairs.

this one feels spooky-- I wish I had more time


Radish King said...

perfect, right before bed, perfect for me.

LoveandSalt said...

It's funny how this goes in and out. You hit a rhythm, you lose it. I had something going a while back like I was just trying to get over--power pump the thing and give it vitamins and bottled oxygen. Now another voice, one that at least interests me. Then -- who knows?

LoveandSalt said...

It's funny how this goes in and out. You hit a rhythm, you lose it. I had something going a while back like I was just trying to get over--power pump the thing and give it vitamins and bottled oxygen. Now another voice, one that at least interests me. Then -- who knows?

LoveandSalt said...

The Poetics of MIndless Repetition (see above)

Radish King said...

mindless repetition is my entire poetics at least according to one critic. bach liked it too.